Former Bosnian leader arrestd on International arrest warrant from Serbia

BBC News has reported that Ejup Ganic, 63, a former Bosnian leader has been arrested on an international warrant from Serbia.  According to published reprts, Officers from the extradition unit of the Metropolitan Police arrested Mr. Ganic, on Monday afternoon after Serbia issued an extradition warrant.

Mr. Ganic is accused of grave breaches of the Geneva Convention in connection with the death of soldiers during the war in Bosnia. The arrest warrant is related to a 1992 attack on Yugoslav forces at the start of the Bosnian war. Ganic was until his arresta a professor at the University of Sarajevo.  He served two terms as president of the Muslim-Croat Federation in Bosnia, accroding to the inofrmation published by the BBC.

He wil not be held for extradition to Serbia.