US and EU Finalized Extradition Agreement Last Week

The United States of America and the European Union have put into effect agreements on extradition and legal cooperation negotiated after the September 11 attacks, the United States Justice Department announced.
The main highlight of the accord includes an agreement by the USA not to seek the death penalty for suspects extradited by any EU member state. The agreement is valid for five years.

In an official statement the USA Department of Justice said that:

“The agreements will further strengthen common efforts in the fight against terrorism and transnational crime by enabling the use of modern tools of cooperation between US and EU Member States authorities.”

Additionally, the agreement “replaces lists of offenses that are deemed extraditable with a modern dual criminality standard; contains measures to streamline the exchange of information and transmission of documents; sets rules for determining priority in competing requests for surrender of a fugitive; and contains a provision allowing extradition to be conditioned on non-application of the death penalty,” the communique elaborated.